Shake and Bake in Pickleball – How to Execute This Winning Play

Post #20 of 22 in All Third Shot Posts
AI image of a pickleball player executing a shake and bake

You’ve probably heard of ‘Shake and Bake’ or ‘Crush and Rush’ if you’ve been around the pickleball courts for a while. The pickleball shake and bake play is an aggressive pickleball move. You drive the third shot and charge the net—it’s all about taking control and putting the pressure on.

The Shake & Bake is a great play if you are confident driving the ball or in your partner’s ability to drive the ball.  This is 3.5+ skill level advanced play.

To be successful, you’ll need a good 3rd shot drive and good skills playing a quick volley at the net.

Pickleball Shake and Bake Scenario

In the illustration below, a drive is hit (the shake) on the third shot, both offensive players advance quickly, and a popup response is put away (the bake).

Pickleball court illustration of a Shake and Bake play.

1 – Drive the Third Shot (Shake)

Drive the 3rd shot at the opponent in front of you or your partner. Look for a good drive going just over the net. Before the ball even gets there, you and your partner move in towards the kitchen line..

2 – Look for an attackable block or pop-up

Your opponent is moving in towards the kitchen line or is at the kitchen line already. They volley or block the hard drive. The block comes back across in the air and above the net height. You are hoping for a pop up but if you are fast enough you can also deal with a volley shot hit right at you.

3 – Attack for a winner (Bake)

You have moved in, and you anticipate the ball coming to you in the air and above net height. When this happens, you or your partner attack it for a winner.

The “Shake” is the hard drive shot and the “Bake” is the put away shot.

Keys to success for the Shake and Bake

For a successful Pickleball Shake and Bake, make sure the drive shot is a good shot before aggressively moving to the net.

The drive should be just over the net and moving at a good pace. If the drive has good top spin this is even better as the ball will dive below the net as it crosses. Because the ball is below net height after it crosses, your opponent will have a tough time not lofting it up with their defensive volley.

This all happens quickly, and you have to use your best judgement to decide.  Timing is everything on this play.

Watchouts on the Shake and Bake

Be aware, if it is a bad drive shot that is up high, your opponent will volley it downward towards your feet as you are moving in. If the defensive volley hasn’t popped up or at least up in the air towards you, your attempt will fail as you lunge towards the net and the ball moves down towards the ground.

Watch the drive and if it is good, go in, otherwise you can move in a bit but generally stay back anticipating your opponent will make a good volley play back at you.

With experience you will get better at making your decision on when to move in and attempt this play.  When successful, the pickleball shake and bake is a great play, and you will feel great when executing the put away shot.

It is always a good idea to talk to your partner and let them know you will attempt it while playing. If your partner has a great drive shot, to mix things up, plan the play out by telling them to drive it at the opponent in front of you and that you will go in for the “Shake and Bake” if it looks good.


Use the pickleball Shake and Bake play to surprise your opponents and put away their response volley or popup.

Pickleball Shake and Bake Action Video

Courtesy of “In2Pickle”

Watch this video on the Pickleball Shake and Bake on Youtube.

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